2011年7月25日 星期一




2011年7月19日 星期二








“你是什麼意思?當然他很成功!他賺進​​數十億美元,有他自己的電視節目 ... ...“



我提醒他,我們對某人認識不深,無從知道他是孤獨的或膚淺的。而他的工作不是去追求某人的成功。我們的首要之務是定義我們自己成功的標準和追求我們自己的成功。我們在開始追求成功的旅程中,願景、宗旨、信念... ...都是我們個別的課題。









2011年7月18日 星期一


美國有位職業演說家在他三十多歲時,亟於參選政治職務。他成立了一個由十來位熱心支持者組成的競選委員會 。他開始得意忘形的想要讓他的州脫胎換骨。









成功不是基於吸引力法則。它是基於概率法則 --- 有一種可能性是一切都可能發生。而且,你可以靠做更多的事情來影響這些概率,做更多有可能導致你成功的事情。




你如何網絡互聯?到企業家的活動看板,加入他們的群體,參加與你的領域有關的教育研討會,採訪成功的人。你的網絡互聯會使你碰到可以幫助你成功的人... 這樣做會比只靠你自己快多了。

2009年12月6日 星期日

How to Not Fail at Your Affiliate Home Business

While affiliate marketing can be one of the easiest businesses to get started, as well as one with low start up costs, it is often more difficult to make a success with it. The reasons are many. However, with a little time and patience, you can learn how to not fail at your affiliate home business.

First of all, an affiliate home business takes time to become successful. One of the reasons that you can fail with your business is to give up on it too soon. We all wish we could become a success overnight, but it is rare for that to happen. Instead, sit down and set some goals for your business and keep them realistic.

Another great downfall is to consider this as a hobby. You should realize that this is an actual business and it must be treated as such. If not, you are not going to put the required time in it to make it work for you. Instead, you'll end up earning pocket change when you could be earning a fulltime income.

Those who are new to the business must also take the time to continue their learning. While the concept of this business is a relatively easy one to understand, there is much more to learn. Take some online classes on some of the various marketing techniques and learn how to implement them in your business. Those who don't spend time learning more about the business will find themselves unable to reach the goals they have set for themselves.

As long as you continue to learn, treat your affiliate home business as a business, and give it the time it needs to succeed, your business has a great chance of succeeding. Make sure you choose your products wisely and understand that you need to spend enough time on your marketing and you may actually be astonished at the results you get.


2009年11月29日 星期日

How to Make Your Internet Business Stand Out Above Your Competitors!

When many people first get their business started on the Internet, they quickly throw a website together. Because they are so anxious to get things up and running, they often fail to really make sure their website is the best that it could be and should be. Unfortunately, this can have a lot of negative effects. Before you go live, make sure that your Internet business stands out above your competitors.

The factor that many business owners often overlook is how quickly their website opens for viewing. While you may want to put all of the funky pictures and text on your site, you may not realize long they can take to open. If a potential customer comes across your site, if it is taking too long for them to open it, what are they going to do? They are going to close it and go to the next available website where they can find what they are looking for.

You will also want to portray your Internet business as a professional business. While cute pictures and such may look adorable, you must ask yourself if they are relevant to your business and if it really the place for them. Don't overuse the cutesy side of setting up your own website. If you do, you will find that many customers will take a quick look and move on to a more professional business that can fulfill their needs.

Last, you want to set up your site so that it is easy for your traffic to navigate. Provide them with easy to follow directions, whether they are placing an order or want to simply read the information you provided. If your site is to difficult to maneuver around, you will lose them and it's pretty much guaranteed that they won't be back.

The goal of your Internet business is to get as many sales as possible. What you must do to ensure that you get the sale is make your website stand out about your competitors. Offering the visitor quality information on a site that can easily be viewed is how you are going to get your business to the top.
